Monday, July 28, 2008


This is a community blog for participants of English 26.01, "The Lives of Others" at Duke Unviersity.

Students will use the site to:
(1) post short responses to readings from class
(2) share news media, visual images or other internet ephemera which relate to the major themes of the course
(3) respond to one another's work
(4) collectively construct an archive of the class' work throughout the semester and make the archive accessible to a public-web audience

By exploring the genre of autobiography, "The Lives of Others" takes up American culture's preoccupation with self-made subjects. As a public space in which private thoughts (and confessions) are aired, blogs make manifest how autobiographical practices are present in other genres and media. This blog is meant to facilitate our investigation of the many means by which we write ourselves into being.

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