Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Katie Budolfson's Paper

Katie's paper uses Foucault's What is an Author? and Gertrude Stein's Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas to challenge the traditional conception of an author.  With Stein mocking the traditional autobiography and Foucault questioning the importance of who is actually speaking, the author is utterly destroyed.  Katie also brings up the subject of duality and demonstrates how Gertrude Stein uses it by influencing the narration with both her perspective and Alice's perspective, which again devalues the notion of sole authorship.  

Katie shows that What is an Author? conveys how Stein changes the definition of an autobiography by analyzing excellent quotes from both Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas and What is an Author?   Katie's quotes are short but very well connected and culminate in a concise, logical idea.  The content looks great; if I were to change anything it would be smoothing the transitions between paragraphs and adding an antithesis if a suitable argument can be made for one.

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